Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Roger Babson, an American historian, was visiting the president of Argentina about 100 years ago when the president said to him: 

“You are a student of history, Will you please tell me why it is that South America, with her unlimited resources & having been settled earlier than North America, has nevertheless made much slower progress in civilization & material prosperity?”

Mr. Babson threw the question back upon the president by saying, “Mr. President, you evidently have studied this question yourself & I would be interested to know your answer to it.

The President replied that he thought the explanation lay in the fact that South America was settled by Spaniards who came seeking gold while North America was settled by the Pilgrim Fathers who came seeking God.

Source: The University Of Colorado Journal Of Engineering, Volume XVII, No. 2 (

"The reason America is a special nation is because it was founded by people who were first on their knees before they were on their feet. We are a nation rooted in our faith."  -  Mike Huckabee (former Arkansas governor).

"It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible."  -  George Washington (first President of the USA).

Psalms 33:12 (GW): "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. Blessed are the people he has chosen as his own."

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